EOI for Stage performers and Stall holders

We have started for registration of Perth Japan Festival 2020 Stage Performers and Stall holders as Expression of Interest. This will close on 10th December 2019.

For Stall holders 


* Please be aware. All of stall holders require putting your interest this year. There are no invitations for the stall holders.

** This is an application for your interests. not a registration yet. The selection process will be after closed and contact you directly. Once you are selected, you will go to the registration process. 

For Stage performers


* Please be aware. Please put your application if you are interested to perform on the stage in 2020 and all of you require putting this application even you perform previous years.

** This is an application for your interests. not a registration yet. The selection process will be after closed and contact you directly. Once you are selected, you will go to the registration process. 

If you are using `Yahoo` webmail, please put other email address. We are having some issues to sending the addresses. The webmail security is not accepting email from us.

 Currently we have overwhelming amount of work and are unable to respond all emails or web inquiries. We apologise for the inconvenience. Thank you for your understanding.