Thank you !!!
On 20th March 2021, the 8th Perth Japan Festival 2021 was held at Elizabeth Quay, Perth WA. Thank you for all who came for the festival and/or are interested in our festival. The festival is successfully completed this year. This effort is all your support. And see you next year. (Photos taken at the festival which links are below)
Next year event (Perth Japan Festival 2022) will be announcing here or/and our SNS (Facebook, Instagram), please keep eyes on!!!
The registration for Volunteers, Stall holders and other stage performers (stage program) will be on here or/and check it our What’s New (News menu)
These photos were taken between 10:30am and 2:40pm.
Album The 8th Perth Japan Festival 2021 – Part 1
The photos were taken between 2:40pm and 6:00pm.
Album The 8th Perth Japan Festival 2021 – Part2 (- Finale)
📷 Julius Pang Photography